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On Outside Time as a Basic Need

Stop taking away recess and outside time as punishment! Why on earth are we making kids earn movement? Fresh air? EXERCISE?

I’m obviously fired up about this. Here are all the reasons we should never ever require that kids earn movement and outside time, or punish “bad behavior” by taking it away.

For kids, research states that movement allows for:

🏃 better sleep

🏃 improved coordination

🏃 strength for growing bones and muscles

🏃 improved self-esteem (!!)

🏃 increased focus and concentration

🏃 decreased anxiety

🏃 stronger social skills

🏃 increased motivation

🏃 increased memory, perception, and even language (!!)

But most of all, movement is a natural way that children regulate their nervous system, allowing them to build coping skills for big feelings. This is vital! Particularly for neurodiverse kids that struggle to read their bodies and their feelings at the same time.

Kids need to move. Kids HAVE to move. And the kids losing access to movement due to “bad behavior” ESPECIALLY need recess, outside time, and play!

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